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Feto Maternal

& GenetYX Center



Nurturing Beginnings with Advanced Obstetric Scans

We combine cutting-edge technology with compassionate care to redefine the journey of motherhood.

Our Obstetric Scans are designed to provide regular and comprehensive monitoring throughout your pregnancy, ensuring your health and well-being and that of your precious little one.

Obstetrics care at Feto Maternal & GenetYX Center providing expert maternal services and support for a healthy pregnancy and delivery.

Prenatal Confirmation and Assessment (Viability Scan)

At 7-8 weeks, an ultrasound is conducted to check the healthof the pregnancy.

This is a simple and early confirmation of a viable pregnancy and allows for a precise determination of gestational age, and assessment of expected multiple pregnancies. 

Risk Assessment at First Trimester

(Nuchal Translucency Scancombined with Blood Test)

Thorough assessment of the baby’s genetic risk through state-of-the-art imaging techniques combining with blood test.  Performed at 11– 14 weeks of gestation, this is the opportunity to screen for common chromosomal abnormalities.


At 7-8 weeks

  • A simple early confirmation of viability of  pregnancy

  • Precise determination of gestational age 

  • Assessment of expected multiple pregnancies 

At 11-14 weeks

  • Confirm that the baby’s heartbeat is present

  • More accurate estimate of duration of pregnancy 

  • Measure length of baby and assess structure of the fetus
    (including measurement of fluid at the back of baby’s neck)

At 18-22 weeks 

  • Can be recommended at 18 weeks also in event there are known risk factors for abnormalities
    (or if parents want to know the sex of the baby at an earlier stage)

  • Systematic check to assess that fetus’ structures appear as expected

  • Position of the placenta and blood flow through placenta is checked

At 28 weeks onwards

This is also called a ‘fetal growth scan’ or a ’wellbeing scan’. This is usually done in the third trimester after 28 weeks of gestation.


During this scan we measure the baby’s head, abdomen and limbs, and estimate the baby’s weight. This gives an idea about the growth of the baby. We also check the position of the baby in the womb, look at the baby’s movements, the amount of amniotic fluid, and the placental position.


We use Doppler ultrasound to check the blood flow in the umbilical cord and in the baby’s brain. In addition,we can also check to the blood flow the mother’s uterine arteries.

Usually between 22-24 weeks 

Fetal echocardiography consists of the assessment of the baby’s heart before birth. Most children have a normal heart.


Approximately 8 in 1,000 babies born will show a heart defect. Half of these are major defects that can be identified before babies are born if a specialised scan of the fetal heart is performed. Although most complex abnormalities are well tolerated by the baby while in utero, treatment is usually required after birth and maybe as early as in the first few days of life, often due to changes in the way the blood goes round following delivery.


For the minority of babies that show an obvious major abnormality, the nature of the defect and available management options will be discussed with the parents and follow up organised as appropriate.


Minor abnormalities such as small holes in the heart may also be detected, but they do not disturb the way the heart works, even after birth. Treatment is usually unnecessary for minor abnormalities, but follow up will be arranged as appropriate. Apart from structural defects, some babies will need to be assessed for rhythm disturbances as well. These will be assessed and treatment options discussed at the time of the consultation.


Fetal echocardiography is usually carried out between 22-24 weeks of gestation and a single scan is generally adequate to assess the fetal heart. However, in some situations, the fetal heart can be assessed as early as 13-14 weeks of gestation and provide a lot of information and reassurance to some parents who are at risk of having a child with a congenital heart defect. In these cases, a second fetal echo is scheduled later on in pregnancy.

Recent studies have shown that the length of the neck of the womb (Cervical length) might indicate the chances for going into labour prematurely.


We will check this at the time of your 21 week scan or earlier if need be and then discuss the findings with you. In some women the doctor might want a cervical assessment earlier if there is any history to suggest miscarriages in the second trimester. This is specifically requested in women with the following history:


  • Prior history of preterm birth (<32 weeks gestation)

  • Previous cervical surgery (eg. cervical cone biopsy)

  • Women with a cervical suture

  • Women with suspected cervical incompetence

  • Multiple pregnancies

At our center, we understand your excitement and joy as your pregnancy progresses.


We offer you the opportunity to be reminded of this special time by keeping 3D/4D pictures and video clips of the scan of your unborn baby as they develop and grow.


We are able to get a 3D or 4D image when the baby is positioned.
Nice pictures and video clips are taken considering favourable position of the baby, maternal habitus and placenta location.


The scan is best done between 28-32 weeks.