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& GenetYX Center



Gynecology is the field in medicine relating to the treatment of women’s health, more specifically, of the reproductive organs.

The term is derived from the Greek, meaning, the science of women.A gynecologist diagnoses and treats issues relating to female reproductive organ and all aspects of sexual health – from preventive care, to regular cancer screenings and routine physical examinations, which are highly recommended.

Most healthcare experts suggest seeing a gynecologist for the first time between the age of 13 and 15. 

Doctor counseling a woman about gynecology services
Happy mother and daughter receiving gynecology services at Feto Maternal & GenetYX Center

This is an essential part of looking after women’s health.

A routine annual gynecology screening for all women is recommended.

However, you should also visit if you are experiencing any unusual symptoms or have questions about your health.

It is like all other physical examinations at a doctor’s clinic although you will be discussing sensitive issues, and the area examined is more private. You will be examined externally, and the gynecologist may need to perform a cervical smear or pelvic exam.

This is a part of a regular check-up for every woman.

The scan can be performed abdominally or transvaginally to check the uterus, endometrium (lining of the uterus), cervix, fallopian tubes and ovaries.


It is carried out as a diagnostic test in the following situations:

  • Lower abdominal pain

  • Suspected Pelvic masses (such as fibroids, ovarian cysts)

  • Location of IUD’s (intra uterine device)

  • Irregular menstrual bleeding

  • Post-menopausal bleeding- for assessment of the endometrium.

  • Infertility

  • Suspected polycystic ovaries.

  • Ovarian cancer screening

Colposcopy and Biopsy (Histopathology)

Colposcopy is a way of looking at the cervix through a special magnifying device called a colposcope. It shines a light into the vagina and onto the cervix. A colposcope can greatly enlarge the normal view. This exam allows the health care provider to find problems that cannot be seen by the eye alone.

Colposcopy is a further, more in-depth diagnostic option to assess cervical cells. Colposcopy can be performed in the outpatient clinic setting and does not require admission to hospital. 

It is advisable to perform colposcopy and biopsy in recurrent abnormal or suspicious PAP smear findings to rule out any major cell changes, intraepithelial lesions or malignancies in the deeper tissue layers. In colposcopy, the surface of the cervix (portio) is inspected with a video microscope magnifying the area of interest. By applying test solutions cell changes can be visualized and suspicious lesions can be identified. Tiny tissue biopsies can be collected from these areas and send for further histopathological assessment. In comparison to the routine PAP smear, deeper tissue layers can be examined to rule out invasive intraepithelial changes. The results from histopathology assessment will be discussed with the patient by the gynecologist.

his is a diagnostic test designed to assess the patency of the fallopian tubes. It combines the latest ultrasound technology with a contrast study using a water based (foamy gel) contrast media.

This eliminates the risk of allergic reactions and causes minimal discomfort, when compared to the dye used in a standard hysterosalpingogram. It also allows us to assess the integrity of the lining of the uterus and eliminates exposure to X-ray radiation that may be harmful to the reproductive organs.

It is recommended that this examination is carried out in the first half of the menstrual cycle to avoid any disturbance of a possible pregnancy. It is performed in the clinic by experienced physicians and does not require any form of anaesthesia. Although it is usually pain free, some women may experience period like discomfort during or after the examination.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common female endocrine disorders. PCOS is a heterogeneous combination of signs and symptoms of impaired glucose-insuline-homeostasis, androgen excess and ovarian dysfunction due to epigenetic and environmental influences, including diet and lifestyle factors.

Some women present with irregular periods, bloated intestines, weight gain, retention of water, hair loss or skin problems, with increased androgen levels causing hirsutism and acne. Other women are observed because they are facing problems to conceive and seek advice for conception counselling in subfertility.

The underlying pathophysiology of PCOS is a unique blend of of hyperandrogenism, insulin resistance and other factors causing follicular arrest. Multiple immature antral follicles seen in the transvaginal ultrasound imaging can be observed. The follicular maturation arrest contributes to anovulative cyles and hence causes irregular menstruation and fertility problems. Depending on the individuals’ complaint, a wide range of investigations can be offered to evaluate the extent and degree of hormonal imbalance, including laboratory tests and ultrasound examinations.

Self-examination of the breasts is a useful tool, especially when used in combination with regular physical examinations and ultrasound. Sometimes additional imaging, mammography and/or MRI are advisable.

Each of these imaging/screening procedures assess your breast health in different ways.
We recommend that all women routinely perform breast self-exams.

Some common findings:

  • Structural changes of breast tissue density (Mastopathia)

  • Pain & Tenderness (Mastalgia)

  • Retention of fluid (Cyste)

  • Changes in duct system & glands (Papilloma)

  • Benign solid nodule (Fibroma)

  • Acute inflammation (Mastitis)