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Feto Maternal

& GenetYX Center



Preconception Genetic Counseling in Dubai: Assessing Risks of Inherited Conditions

Understanding the risk factors of inherited genetic disorders is crucial for evaluating reproductive options, especially for inter-familial marriages. At Feto Maternal & GenetYX Center, we offer preconception genetic counseling in Dubai to help couples understand these risks and make informed decisions about their reproductive health.

Expanded Carrier Screening (ECS) provides essential insights that can increase the likelihood of a successful and healthy pregnancy. Our carrier screening services in Dubai are designed to identify potential genetic risks early on.

These services are offered to married couples or those likely to marry within the family, providing tailored support and guidance for family planning and addressing concerns related to inherited genetic conditions.

Lab technician performing a genetic test
Happy couple celebrating their healthy genetics

Couples may require a consultation for the following reasons:

  • A first degree relative  (mother, father, siblings or children have or have had cancer)

  • A family member is known to have an inherited cancer

  • A relative has more than one type of cancer

  • Prenatal non-invasive testing (NIPT) or invasive testing (CVS/amniocentesis) is offered or requested

  • Prenatal diagnosis of a known familial genetic condition is requested

  • There is a concern about exposure to drugs, medication, chemicals or radiation that might cause congenital conditions.

  • Infertility

  • Delayed or absent puberty

  • Recurrent miscarriages

  • Advanced maternal age

  • A High-risk pregnancy due to abnormal screening results

  • Familial cancer

  • Marriage within the family

  • Family history of a genetic condition

  • Family members with intellectual disability and/or developmental delay

  • Carriers of a faulty gene such as cystic fibrosis or thalassemia

  • Changes in an individual’s genetic material (chromosomes or genes)

  • Unexplained intrauterine growth retardation

  • Birth defect or physical abnormality

  • Dysmorphic features (unusual physical features)

  • Failure to thrive (growth problems)

  • Unusual growth pattern; overgrowth, short stature

  • Hearing loss or deafness

  • Congenital eye defects or blindness

  • Unusual skin lesions or pigmentation

  • Clinical Exome Sequencing UAE

  • Whole Exome Sequencing Dubai

  • Cystic fibrosis genetic test

  • Familial Mediterranean fever genetic test

  • Thalassemia

  • Sickle cell anemia testing

  • Karyotype Analysis

  • CGH microarray

  • Blood related couple screening (carrier screening for 300 autosomal recessives and some X linked familial diseases)

  • Neuromuscular disease genetic panel

  • Epilepsy genetic panel

  • Mental retardation panel

  • Congenital deafness panel

  • Ehler-Danlos Syndrome Panel

Genetic testing for cancer is a crucial step for understanding inherited cancer risks. We provide comprehensive cancer genetic tests to guide you based on your family history and help in making informed decisions.

  • A first degree relative like your mother, father, siblings or children have or have had cancer

  • A family member is known to have an inherited form of cancer

  • A relative has more than one type of cancer

  • Family member(s) who have had cancer detected at an unusually young age

  • Several members who have the same type of cancer

  • Presence of birth defects that are known to be associated or linked to cancer